Thursday, August 20, 2015

Cabin Peace

This missionary family came to teach the School Of Christ at our church Árbol de vida  and were able to stay at the camp center for the nights they were here in Costa Rica! What a blessing to be able to have a place for missionaries to come get a good nights sleep and food for the souls as they continue their journey to teach The Word of God to others! 
We are in the process of raising funds to build the last cabin, Peace!  This cabin wil host 32 children, youth or adults as they come for discipleship in Gods Word! Would appreciate your prayers and support as we continue the work God has called us to do, build the camp center to host young and old alike to teach the Bible and offer a place for churches to do summer camps and seminars for their young people! 
We have put in the foundation, and have the drawings back from the arquitect now! 
The next step is turning in the drawings to the county clerk to have them authorized for building permits, get insurance for the workers, required by the government. 
We hope as soon as we have the building permits, in about 3 weeks to start pouring the concrete floor and purchasing wood and metal roofing! 
We are excited to be this close to finishing this phase of the camp & training center! Churches and groups can come to hold Bible seminars and camps as well as a place to host pastors and leaders for much needed R&R and a refreshing time of seeking The Lord! 

If you'd like to make a donation you can do do online at click on the missionaries, follow the page down to our name and click the go are button! This is a secure website and 100% of every donation goes directly to our ministry here in Costa Rica! 
You can also donate by sending a check made out to Global Outreach for Franklin & Evelyn Turner and mail it to this address: Global Outreach P. O. Box 1 Tupelo, MS 38802
Thank you for your prayers for us as we minister to the people of Costa Rica in the name of Jesus! 

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Árbol de Vida church

This is a picture of our pastor Olger and the youth from our church! Our pastor is a great blessing to us and the youth also! 
We have School of Christ training this week, this program was founded and implemented many years ago in Russia now it is in many parts of the world! We are thankful to be able to receive this training in the Word of God! We hope to be able to offer trainings and seminars like this here at the camp center! Thank you for supporting us financially and praying for our ministry as we follow Jesus and build this place for people to come and learn from Gods Word and be able to in turn go teach others! 
We are raising funds right now to finish Cabin Peace! If you'd like to give you can send your gifts to Global Outreach P.O. Box 1 tupelo ms. 38802 make out the check to Global Outreach for Franklin and Evelyn Turner, Costa Rica 
You can also give online at 
Thank you! May God guide you as you seek Jesus daily! :)