Tuesday, November 19, 2013

More Rocks...

Thats right, more rocks!
Franklin, Jon, & Bolivar have been working 2 days now filling up a crossing in the new road with rocks. It has a spring right in the road, and stays mushy to where you can't cross so Franklin is hoping this will help!

What do missionaries do? Sometimes glorious work, proclaiming the Gospel message to many people, or giving food to someone who's hungry, and seeing the smiles on their faces makes it worth the hour walk up hill! But sometimes missionaries do stuff that most wouldn't count as mission work.
Like picking up rocks!
We had a young man come help here at the camp from Oklahoma. We were in the process of picking up rocks around the camp center to build a retaining wall. After about an hour of that the young man looks at Franklin and says, "You know picking up rocks is about the lowest job you can be given!"
He's no longer a missionary. It's not for everyone! It's not glorious work all the time. I am sure you could say that about your life, it's not a box o chocolates all the time! Sometime theres rocks, big ones or a tiny one in your shoe, that feels like a boulder!
I think of these times as the sandpaper that GOD uses to smooth out our life, how would we be thankful for the sun if it didn't rain for days? How would we be thankful for a nice smooth yard with green grass if we didn't cut it, and pick up the rocks!
May I always use my strength to do the will of GOD!
Have a blessed day! Hope this encourages you to keep picking up the rocks in your path and building castles with them! Retaining walls to hold back the forces of evil,
If GOD is with us who can be against us!

JESUS BLESS YOU! Franklin Evelyn Mary & James
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Sunday, November 10, 2013


Good Evening!
James and I  walked up the hill this morning around 8am to go to church! We've enjoyed each others company and enjoyed meeting with our brothers and sisters in Christ today and worship our LORD JESUS together today!
This is something we take for granted. I guess we know that in other parts of the world today Christians were tortured and some even put to death for praising JESUS as their Savior!

This walking up the hill each day right now makes me realize until we look situations like these in the face we don't take them very seriously! James and I have gotten some forced exercise the past week or so each time we get ready to leave the house we have to plan around the rain, the mud, the kind of clothing we wear, planning for that 300 meter trek up the mountain! You don't wear heels and you make sure you don't forget anything of utmost importance, because if you do, you'd have to walk that 300 meters again! Now 300 meters is about the equivalent of 300 yards, not very far but steep doesn't even do it justice!

So when I think of our brothers and sisters in other places who are going through severe trials for their faith and knowing they stand fast for JESUS, why would I complain! Why is a little walk in the mud every time I leave my home to go somewhere a hard thing!
I am thankful to have that van at the top of the hill when I walk up, I can get in a drive on from there! My health allows me to walk, maybe this is GODS way of telling me I'm ok, maybe I need to get in better shape, what I am going through right now is nothing compared to HIS glory! I will always try to be thankful in every situation, and live the rest of my life to glorify JESUS my LORD!

JESUS BLESS YOU! Franklin Evelyn Mary & James

Friday, November 8, 2013

My walk this morning at Camp Taller del Maestro!

I love to wake up early to see the sun breaking acorss the mountainside and the fog going away a wift at a time! This was my view at the pig pen! Lulu is doing wonderful! She squeals and grunts as soon as shee sees someone outside, or hears that we're up!

This is coming back down from Cabin Hope close to the tire swing!

Both these are standing on the lot for Cabin Hope. The view is breath taking! It is amazing to see the wispy clouds way out there and the ant line walking across and birds just singing away and other wise complete silence! Looking forward to each person who will be sleeping here at Cabin Hope and enjoying what I see this morning for the next 100 years! I pray that GOD will raise up people who love JESUS more than anything in life, and love the work GOD has started here at Camp Taller Del Maestro through our hands! All glory to GOD and praises to JESUS for allowing us to be a small part of HIS work in the lives of the people of Costa Rica for the Nations of the World!

JESUS BLESS YOU! Franklin Evelyn Mary & James
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