Sunday, March 30, 2008

This beautiful sunset reminds me of GODs great love for us in all HE made for us to enjoy! GOD is with us wherever we go!
Be assured that niether death nor life neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future nor any powers, neither hieght nor depth nor anything else in all creation shall seperate us from the love of GOD which is in Christ JESUS our LORD!

Thank you for your prayers for us and the ministry here! God has blessed us richly and we know that HE has answered your prayers concerning us! Franklin had the great opportunity to go into the area high schools this past week with the gideons to give out bibles and they spoke JESUS to the youth! Pray for Franklin Monday he goes with the gideons for 2 days to travel to various schools around Costa Rica to give out THE WORD OF GOD!

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Saturday, March 29, 2008


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Friday, March 28, 2008

School, work, and yes BUGS

James has been studying to get ready for tests!
Mary was in school and she has been studying hard for tests that start next week!

Franklin, Ashley & I were working on cleaning up the wood to build another room on our Sunday School here at our church Arbol de Vida!

BUG from Mars?????
We aren't for sure where he orginated from but he sure was strange! His eyes lit up and his underside had a yellow light too! COOL! Gods creation never ceases to surprize us! When I turned off the lights last night this guy was shining bright! Mary took pictures then we let him outside to continue on his journey!

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Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Sunday, March 23, 2008

on mission Upala, Costa Rica

We took a mission trip this week to Upala, Costa Rica about 6 hours north of Tabarcia.
Our Pastor Olger led the trip, Franklin, Mary, James, and I went along with another couple, the pastors sister Lidieth, and 2 other men! The 10 of us had a wonderful trip of work and fellowship with the brothers and sisters in CHRIST JESUS! We left Tuesday and got home today, Sunday.
We all stayed at Pedro and Amalias house. They have a pulperia (small grocery what-not store) so James had a blast helping keep the store and of course helping them out financially, buying junk foods!
The men built a Sunday School building for the youth and cleaned the church grounds. We ladies cooked and kept clothes washed and made grilled tamale on the open fire outside! Each day from dawn to dusk there were children everywhere, so we were able to minister to these little ones, giving them something to eat, washing faces, playing soccer, and speaking JESUS into their little hearts!
We took supplies the Fredonia Baptist Church team had leftover from the bible school here at Arbol de Vida church, added a few things and held bible school with the children in Upala! Their mothers had never even heard of bibleschool! What a blessing to introduce them to the wonderful WORDS OF GOD!
Each day we would work and at night we held revival inviting the surrounding communities. We did bible school for the children Saturday morning, & 70 children came! At 5 am I woke up to rain and knowing we were going to start bible school at 8! But by 7 it cleared off, and we started on time, with a cloudy morning thankfully as it is a hot climate, temps in the 90s all day in the sun feels like 110 degrees!
Thank you Fredonia and to everyone for giving to make it possible for us to minister in the NAME OF JESUS to so many who have so little!
If you have not given and would like to give to bless this ministry you can give at or by mail at
GLOBAL OUTREACH P.O. Box 1 Tupelo,MS 38802.
Thank you and may GOD bless you as you continue to walk with JESUS!

On our way we stopped for a watermelon break!

When we got there they were building our apartment! They closed in the barn and we slept in it!Now as you can see we slept under this netting as the mosquitos will carry you off if you let them!
PRAISE THE LORD! Let everything that has breath praise the LORD! Oh, and the water was off all night Tuesday till Wednesday afternoon! But GOD provided and we made it!

Off to work! We gave out invitations to families in the area for bible school. With the childrens help we walked all around the villiage finding families who had children to invite them to the revival and the bible school.

These little ones heard the WORD OF GOD for children and painted little color me bears, thank you Fredonia Baptist Church! We also had enough cloth bags left for each child and even the cooks got one, they said to thank you!
GOD BLESS THOSE WHO GIVE so that we can be the hands to help these who have so little!

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Monday, March 17, 2008

mission trip March 2008

We have been busy getting ready for a mission trip tomorrow Lord willing we are off to Upala northern Costa Rica to work with a small church there.
Please pray for us as we travel and when GOD reminds you of us pray!
There are a lot of obstacles but we know WHO we serve and JESUS is faithful to go before and behind us! For a great and effectivedoor has opened to me and there are many adversaries.1 Corinthians 16:9

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Saturday, March 15, 2008

Sunday School Arbol de Vida

This is our baby class!
They meet in our porch right now here at the apartment. These 2 little ones cried in the beginning now they come out in the aisle as we go to Sunday School to grab our hand off to learn more about JESUS!

This is where James studies the bible with his Sunday School class!

This table is made from recycled wood pallets and old wood off a house next door!

This is a few of Marys youth group here in at Arbol de Vida!
There are around 40 youth that come regularly to our Wednesday night youth group and Sunday mornings to Sunday School!
as we serve here at our church and in Tabarcia loving these children and youth and teaching them the love of JESUS!

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Thursday, March 13, 2008

Do you see what I see?

God has opened the door for Franklin to serve in the group that does jail ministry! We never dreamed we would serve in this way but GOD opened our eyes to this great need when Joel was in jail for a short time in 2003. Now God used this very hard time in our lives to minister to the men in the prison here in San Jose, Costa Rica! We thank JESUS for His call on our lives to serve Him in Costa Rica!

Waiting for JESUS' return? If you die today where will you spend eternity?

If you are not sure pray this prayer; Jesus I realize I have sinned and done many things I should not have, I ask you to forgive me! Take my life JESUS and change me to what you would have me be! Thank you for giving your life on the cross for my sins. Help me to live for you! I want to spend eternity in Heaven with you JESUS! Show me how to live for you. Thank you in JESUS name, amen
Now this is no magic prayer neither the only time you should pray! You should PRAY WITHOUT CEASING, now you still need to do your work, but give it all to JESUS in prayer! Read your bible. Ask the Holy Spirit of GOD to inspire you as you read.
Pray to JESUS to help you live daily for Him.
Blessings on your life! I pray that GOD will help you as you start on this new walk with him.
For it is by faith you are saved, through faith, it is not from yourselves it is the gift of GOD--not by works so no one can boast! Ephesians 2:9

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Wednesday, March 12, 2008

A Walk into Costa Rica

This is a view I saw through the lens this month!

God Created the heavens and the earth, all things made through HIM(JESUS) and without Him nothing was made that was made!

Jesus was there with God in the beginning what a wonderful thought! Take one minute today to reflect on such a great love as JESUS had for us, HE left his throne in Heaven to come give his life for you and me! What a wonderful Saviour! Praise JESUS!

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Monday, March 10, 2008

JESUS bless the people of TABARCIA

This is a picture of Franklin and I praying for our little community if Tabarcia. There are about 6000 people in this small community. Please join us in prayer for this little pueblo & remember to pray for your community too! God has called us out of where we were comfortable and settled into this land unknown in so many ways even after being here for 3 years!
A few things that have happened this week in our community. Friday night it seemed there was a lot of sad news that came to us, reminding us that GOD is in control we should pray! Abel a young man who was known in the community here as a town drunk was found dead close to one of the little stores. They think he may have overdosed. The same night another man was taken by ambulance, he also had been drinking, this is a very real problem in the lives of the people here. PRAY! We had the opportunity to witness JESUS love to these young men. GOD is a just GOD
He is calling us to live a life of purity and grace! He calls us when we least expect it,
1 Thesalonians 5:1-2
Friday night another man named Abel had his truck stolen, full of fruits and veggies fresh from the market that day! This is a real reminder of how well protected GOD has His children, we are thankful for our vehicles and never take for granted that GOD is watching out for us! SO PLEASE join us to pray that these people would seek JESUS in their troubled times and good times too, and that GOD would give us words of encouragement for these families who are suffering from these different things. GOD is all powerful and nothing passes without HIS all knowing, all seeing eye on everything!

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Thursday, March 6, 2008

Ready set build

This is MARY and JAMES in 2005 building in the TALLER DEL MAESTRO GLOBAL OUTREACH.
We have heard the call of JESUS as a family to go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature! Now preaching the gospel is done in many different ways. One way is to help those who cannot help themselves, serving the whole man spirit mind and body. Thank you for coming along with us on this wonderful journey by praying for us and giving in order for us to GO as JESUS has called us to do!

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Wednesday, March 5, 2008


Connie came to Costa Rica in 2007, JESUS changed her life, now she is running for JESUS in Antartica! PRAY for Connie today as she runs and Pray for
as we carry out the greatest commission; Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature! Mark 16:15

Connie was met by thousands of these beautiful creatures as they docked in one place in Atartica, GOD IS GOOD!

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Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Run Connie

Today is the last day for training for Connie! She is in Antartica running for JESUS! Last March Connie came and spent a week here at the TALLER DEL MAESTRO GLOBAL OUTREACH camp center. Being here in Costa Rica hands on missions was a life changing experience for Connie and her daughter Hillary! Pray for Connies safety as she trains for the last day in Antartica and then runs with all her might tomorrow. If you would like to make a donation to this run, you don't have to run or train, Connie will do all that she just asks for your donation, in JESUS NAME going directly to the work here in Costa Rica at
Please visit Connies web site and blog to read her story, and give at

Connie on mission for JESUS!

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Saturday, March 1, 2008

Happy birthday Pastor

This is a group who was at the TALLER DEL MAESTRO GLOBAL OUTREACH today! Thank you Jared Elizabeth and Nathan Fly, Lynn Kathy Olivia and Elijah Prather, Sarah Fraley, Nancy Cox and Ashley ( the photagrapher!) for your presence with us today! May God richly bless you today and the rest of your life!

This is our pastor Olger with Franklin. Today is his birthday will you pray for him when you read this? This has been an especially hard day for him pray that GOD will give him strength and courage for this coming year and GOD will open the flood gates of Heaven on this servant of the MOST HIGH GOD!

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