this is the day which the LORD has made let us rejoice and be glad in it! JESUS gave His precious life that we may have abundant life, not just the mundane but he says abundant LIFE!
Thank you to each of you who have faithfully prayed and given to make this ministry GOD has called us to complete! Each one of us in this chain to bring GODS Word to the lost of this world each one is important, and the work cannot go on without your gifts or mine!
Franklin and Jose Luis have been putting together a trailer to carry our trusses and all the supplies out to the farm. We hope to get started in about 2 weeks digging footers and getting ready to go up with the first buildings to raise up the camp center GOD has called us to build! Thank you again for your part in this work GODS economy is doing just fine, HE'S GOT THE WHOLE WORLD IN HIS HANDS! PRAISE JESUS!
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