Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Armadillo bugs

James has had fun finding all kinds of new bugs and stuff at the camp!
These little bugs hide in the dust, and have a small hole, so James sticks a stick in the little hole the bug comes up and James grabs it along with a hand ful of dust! So today he caught one! Here are the results!


Thank you for your prayers and support GOD bless you! If you are interested in coming to be a part of the work here we would love to have you! Just write us on e-mail at or you can call Global Outreach at 662-842-4615 and talk to Carla. This is an exciting time for us as we have been able to get our first building up and almost roofed! This will be a multi purpose building we can live in right now, to be able to develop the CHRISTIAN CAMP AND TRAINING CENTER TALLER DEL MAESTRO.

Franklin Evelyn Mary & James
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