Sunday, May 16, 2010

Been farmin' long?

This week was agriculture week. This picture of the oxen is on our way to church! They were all lined up along the side getting ready to file down the road!


These pictures are of my fashion, hehe! We celebrated ag day with the local senior citizens group in the community the camp center is in! It was a wonderful activity. One of my favorite things about the day was that the people were all asked to bring vegetables or fruits as an offering and then these were either used in a great soup they made called "Olla de Carne" vegetable stew, to eat together and the rest that were left over were sold and the profit went to the seniors group! It was a great time of sharing they even told some old tales from the olden days, the seniors laughed and laughed, laughter is good medicine! Smile, JESUS loves you! Thank yo for giving in order for us to carry out the call GOD put on our lives to serve HIM in a country where he would show us! GOD has spoken to us about building a camp and training center to minister to he needs of the costa rican church and individuals needing a touch from the MASTER-JESUS CHRIST! If you haven't given and would like to you can give on line at or you can send your check to Gloal Outreach P.O. Box 1 Tupelo, MS 38802 made out to Global Outreach for Franklin & Evelyn Turner

JESUS BLESS YOU! Franklin Evelyn Mary & James
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