Thursday, April 4, 2013


This is James, Stephanie, Rachel, Giselle, and Merlin coloring eggs.

One of the things I remember doing with Mom and my brothers and sisters is coloring eggs! Mom would always buy a pkg of egg dye and we'd get out the coffee cups and vinegar to color eggs! While I was in the MS I purchased several egg dye kits, they aren't sold in Costa Rica to my knowledge. So Sunday afternoon Giselle and Merlin came and we introduced our tradition to them! What fun! Even adults can have fun in the smallest ways, OK coloring eggs is a little juvenile but we had a blast!
They turned out beautiful too!
Sometimes the smallest things are the most fun there was very little cost involved, and we were able to spend time together laughing and enjoying each others company!
James said he didn't remember ever coloring Easter eggs so this was good for James!
JESUS while he was here on earth took part in lots of different activities and traditions that the Jewish people passed down through the generations. I am sure JESUS enjoyed spending time laughing and celebrating these family traditions.
We shouldn't get too stuck on our traditions, and it should never get in the way of serving GOD.

While in the temple one day JESUS saw the traditional booths where the people were able to buy and sell the animals and spices and oils they needed for their offering. This was at first probably an innocent tradition, for convenience, the Jewish people didn't have to go anywhere else to buy the things they needed to sacrifice to GOD.
They had a full package deal, come to the temple, buy your doves and sacrifice.
Seems logical and better.

BUT, the reason JESUS got upset, wasn't because it was causing a stink!
JESUS got upset because he saw the vendors taking advantage of the poor, buying and selling in the temple.GODS HOUSE should be a house of PRAYER, not trying to get the best deal on doves! This is a reminder to us that these traditions we celebrate although they are fun we must never forget the real reason for Easter. Our Savior JESUS CHRIST came to earth, and gave HIS precious blood so we could be forgiven of our sins and JESUS gave us eternal life, just by believing by faith that JESUS is the SON OF GOD, and receiving JESUS in our heart. Believe in JESUS today! Then let's keep this tradition in our family, share JESUS with your family and friends, so they can keep this tradition too!

JESUS BLESS YOU! Franklin Evelyn Mary & James
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